0 Get a chance to win the much awaited female 3D printable action figure from the 3D ZIPGUY roster, ZIPGAL!
Author Archives: 3dzipguy
0 I love his work…. The files are incredibly easy to work with and the details is top notch. 3dzipguy
0 Overture PLA is my favorite so far for silky/metallic finish. Love my Spiderman 2099. 3dzipguy
0 Outstanding action figure. Thank you so much for sharing your creations. 3dzipguy
0 A armor spider and custom carnage 3dzipguy
0 Amazing model! Me and my dad ended up printing this giant 24 inch version of your iron man. Here it is next to a 6in ultron for comparison 3dzipguy
0 Denji is done! (Of course, he could stand for a few touch-ups.) but GEEZ LOUISE! This one had many, many little new enhancements. Some I liked and some that drove me nuts! But overall, this one was fun!! 3dzipguy
1 A nice model. So much easier than many of the other “action figures out there” 3dzipguy
0 Daredevil 3dzipguy
1 Printed with PLA 3dzipguy